Damp Repair in Cheam: Case Study
At Cheam Plastering we pride ourselves on thorough inspections and meticulous repairs. A recent project in Cheam highlighted our commitment to excellence. Despite previous attempts at rendering, the extension suffered from persistent damp issues. We discovered that the last render coat had been applied over the previous one, blocking the damp channel in the coping stones. This caused rainwater to infiltrate the building, running between the first and second render coats, trapping moisture and blowing the render from the walls.
Additionally, the incorrect use of galvanized beads instead of stainless steel or plastic ones led to rusting, exacerbating the problem. To rectify the situation, we removed all the existing render back to the blockwork and started from scratch, ensuring the correct materials were used. The issue is now fully resolved, showcasing our dedication to high-quality workmanship and customer satisfaction.
Follow the process in the gallery below.